Bessel Functions and Fourier Transform of Radial Functions

1 minute read

Definition of Bessel Functions

There are several ways to define Bessel functions. The one given by (Grafakos, 2008) Appendix B is as follows,

Here is any complex number with real part greater than . The second definition is that is the solution of the ODE,

The third one is the original Bessel’s definition, which only works for integer values of .

Now we show that these three definitions are equivalent. First, applying integration by parts, we can show that

With the result above, to show that is the solution of the differential equation, we only need to plug it into the equation and check. Note that the second order differential equation has two independent solutions, is only one of them.

The simple derivation also implies the following identity,

With this identity, we can show the definition for integer . It is proved by induction. First when ,

Make the variable substitution and use the fact . We get the base case. Then we verify that (2) also satisfies the recurrence relation (3). The key is still integration by parts and the famous Euler’s identity,

Fourier Transform of Measure on Unit Sphere

Denote the uniform measure over the unit sphere by . Its Fourier transform

can be evaluated in the following way. First, for any fixed , we consider the cylinder coordinates with axis along the direction of , . is the spherical coordinates and is the Cartesian coordinate ranging from . Then , and the integral becomes

Here is the surface area of sphere. With this formula we can further get the Fourier transform of any radial functions as follows,


  1. Grafakos, L. (2008). Classical Fourier Analysis. Springer New York.