Product Form of Euler’s Limit Formula for the Gamma Function

1 minute read

This note is a continuation of last one. By the definition of , for , we can rewrite it in the following form,

where and is the Euler’s constant. So by sending to infinity, we get

Assume that . Then the infinite product

And for any ,

Therefore the infinite product from to converges uniformly for all . And the limit must be also analytic. The product of first terms is also analytic. So we prove that the infinite product defines an analytic function over the whole complex plane. It has roots at negative integers.

However, the equality (*) only holds for since we start from the definition of . But we know that has simple poles at non-positive integers and is analytic elsewhere (this can be seen from the analytic continuation from the half plane $$ Re(z)>0 $$ and the iteration relation $$ \Gamma(z)=\Gamma(z+1)/z $$) . So by analytic continuation we know that (*) holds for the whole complex plane. And we also get the fact that and that is entire.

An immediate consequence of the product form of Euler’s limit formula is the identity

and further

The inequality will be used in asymptotic expansion of Bessel functions.
