On the Spectrum Decay Rate of Gaussian Kernel Operator
In the study of random Fourier features method, (Bach, 2017) proposed a way of generating random features so that the feature space generated randomly approx...
In the study of random Fourier features method, (Bach, 2017) proposed a way of generating random features so that the feature space generated randomly approx...
八月份完成论文的一个主要部分,决定犒赏一下自己。一直以来都想升级一下我的C720,毕竟是4年前的电脑了。特别是电池续航已经大不如从前,系统显示电池满电容量也只有标称容量的一半左右。没有了最初让我惊艳的全天不插电的续航表现,其他方面的弱点就让人更不能忍受了,比如屏幕的大小和分辨率,都距离今天的商务级的dell cp...
By the note on No-Free-Lunch, we concluded that there is no learning algorithms solving all problems with a fixed learning rate. It is because of the difficu...
Hoeffding inequality was first proved in 1963 for independent bounded random variables. It captures the effect of cancellation among independent random varia...